Most newcomers start from scratch. Tab is where many newbies should start with. As a newbie you should also be familiar with basic guitar knowledge and theory. Posts for the same will soon be on this blog....Enjoi...
What Is Tab???
TAB or tablature is a method of writing down music played on guitar or bass. Instead of using symbols like in standard musical notation, it uses ordinary ASCII characters and numbers, making it ideal for places like the internet where anybody with any computer can link up, copy a TAB file, and read it.What Is Tab???
What Tab Will Tells You???
TAB will tell you what notes to play - it will tell you which string to hit and which fret to fret it at.
TAB will tell you where hammer-ons, pull-offs, bends, slides, harmonics and vibrato are used.
TAB will tell you what tuning the piece is in. If this isn't given explicitly, assume normal tuning. TAB should also give you information on use of capos etc.
TAB will give you an indication of the ryhthm of the piece - I. e it will tell you which are the long notes and which are the short notes. However it will not tell you exactly how long or how short they are. This leads me on to.
What Tab Will Not Tell You???
TAB will (usually) not tell you the note lengths of the notes - so in most cases you will have to listen to the song yourself, with the TAB in front of you to work out the ryhthm of the notes.
TAB will not tell you which fingers you use to fret which note.
TAB will (usually) not tell you anything about picking and strumming - you will have to decide for yourself where to use upstrokes/downstrokes and so on.
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